Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mengapa orang bule gampang banget belajar bahasa Indonesia. Karena bahasa Indonesia lebih simple dibanding bahasa Inggris.

English: "Would you please care to elaborate on that statement?"
Indonesian: "MAKSUD LOH?!"

English: "The meeting will start at 9:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand."
Indonesian: "Jgn Telat Yee!!!"

English: "I definitely won't make it. You guys go and have fun without me."
Indonesian: "Ntar gue nyusul"

English: "your statement is already known by everybody else".
Indonesian: "BASI.. L0h "

English: "I couldn't see the necessity of this conversation".
Indonesian: "GA PENTING Boo ..."

English: "I couldn't think of any idea of where to go and what to do".
 Indonesian: "MATI GAYA neh".

English: "I need to tell u something, unfortunately the validity still needs to be confirmed"
Indonesian: "Eh....TAU GA' SIH LO...... (nggosip) "

English: "I couldn't imagine what else could have happened".
Indonesian: "BUSEEETTT dah...!!!

English: "The conclusion which is not accepted".
 Indonesian: "CAPE DEH !!"

English: "pardon me"
Indonesian; "HAAAHH...???"

English: "I think you should not act in such an improper way".
 Indonesian: "PLiiisss Dech..."

English: "I think it would be better if we don't see each other again..."
 Indonesian: "LOE, GUE, END !!!"

English: "Thanks God... This moment and circumstances mean so much to me and I should be grateful...." Indonesian: "Alhamdulillah yaah... Sesuatu banget..."

English: "oh my God... This is very surprising to me, I thought it's gonna be like that..... "
Indonesian: "trus gw harus bilang "wow" gituu.."

English: don't lie to me, let God be our witness for that.....
 Indonesian: sumpeee loo

English: It's really disappointing to know how you treat me like this after all what I've done for you.. Indonesian: Sakitnya tuh disini..

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