Sunday, September 1, 2013


AQUARIUS – Does It in the Water (January 20 to February 18)
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being in long-term relationships. Tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators Great lovers, when they’re not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more than their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a fighter, but will knock your lights out.

PISCES – The Partner for Life (February 19 to March 20)
Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very  organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word.
Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be  around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They  always try to do the right thing and sometimes get the short end of the  stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their  trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!
Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good  friend to others but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be.

ARIES – The Aggressive (March 21 to April 19)
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny…
Excellent kisser. EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an Aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be ‘Right’. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world.

TAURUS – The Tramp (April 20 to May 20)
Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight.
Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of  attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need.
Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They can be self-centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it.
They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with.
Are the most attractive people on earth!

GEMINI – The Twin (May 21 to June 20)
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very good at confusing people. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. Gemini’s like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Gemini’s can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosy. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing.
VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile.

CANCER – The Beauty (June 21 to July 22)
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer’s love is one of a kind… Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An ultimate freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond
compare. Spontaneous. Not a fighter, but will kick your ass good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!

LEO – The Lion (July 23 to August 22)
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo’s problem becomes everyone’s problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything.
Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive.
Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.

VIRGO – The One that Waits (August 23 to September 22)
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to.
Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget.
The one and only.

LIBRA – The Lame One (September 23 to October 22)
Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet!
However, not the kind of person you want to mess with you might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic.

SCORPIO – The Addict (October 23 to November 21)
EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very good sense of humor.
Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic.
Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive.
Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones.
HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring.

SAGITTARIUS – The Promiscuous One (November 22 to December 21)
Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever.
Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness.
Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal.
Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.

CAPRICORN – The Passionate Lover (December 22 to January 19)
Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy, but when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud,
understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships.
Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs in sports, especially Gemini’s. Likes to cook but would rather go out To eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.

Dear boys,

If you like a girl, don't make her start a conversation because then she worries about being annoying.


Girls around the world

What Month Baby Are You?

Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn.

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

Attractive personality. sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.

Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic. hot but has brains.

Stubborn and hard-hearted . Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited.

You’ve got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection. You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself – heck, you’ve got the looks for it!!!

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be with friends . Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. no self control. kind hearted. self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of “that someone”. longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by “no pain no gain” caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. “charming” or “beautiful” to everyone. stubborn. curious. independent. strong willed. a fighter.

Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.

Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible… better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. loves music.

One day you’ll miss me
Like I missed you
One day you’ll need me
Like I needed you
One day you’ll cry for me
Like I cried for you
One day you’ll love me
But I can’t love you


Music is everywhere, all you have to do is listen


 Don’t dream your life, live your dreams


 It’s not where I’ve been, but where I’m going


 Don’t walk behind me, cause I won’t lead you,
don’t walk in front of me, cause I won’t follow you.
Walk next to me like a friend and I’ll be there when you need me


 We don’t see the things like they are, we see the things like we are


 This world is a comedy for the people who think, and for the people that feel it’s a tragedy


I like walking in the rain, so no one can see my tears


Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak. Sometimes it means you’re strong enough to let go


 Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself


You ask me: What’s wrong?
I smile and answer: Nothing
I turn around and whisper: Everything


Tears exist so the soul can cry


The meaning of life, is to give life a meaning


Some people build walls around them, to see or there’s anyone that cares enough to break them down


We can’t choose the truth, the only thing we can do is choosing what to do with it


Should I be happy that we’re friends or sad because that’s all we will ever be?


I knew that when I was looking back to crying, I would laugh.
But what I didn’t know was looking back to laughing would make me cry


 Depression is not a sign of weakness, it means you’ve been strong for far too long


Pain doesn’t hurt …. when it’s all you’ve ever felt


 Note to myself : I lost you


I don’t run from you, I walk slowly away and it kills me because you don’t care enough to stop me


The words you spoke don’t hurt. The words that are unspoken hurt the most


I would prefer to be disliked for the one I am, then to be liked for the one I’m not


I hate you, because your life seems so perfect without me


It hurts when you’ve found your prince Charming, but you are not his Cinderella


 I’m not afraid to love you, I’m just afraid that you don’t love me


Love isn’t about finding the perfect one,

it’s about finding someone imperfect, but perfect in your eyes


Step into the darkness
Say goodbye to the light
We live in an eternity
Where everyday is night


Never make someone your anything. Because when you lose this person, you’ll have nothing left


Love is the slowest form of suicide


Time ain’t nothing but time. It’s a verse with no ryhm and it comes all down to you


Jump… and let the wings grow when you’re falling down


It hurts when you love someone, that loves someone else in return


They say loving you is my biggest mistake
But how it can be so wrong, when it feels so right?
If I ever made a mistake
It isn’t loving you…
It’s thinking that someday you’ll love me too…


 I must not waste my time with crying, because it won’t help me and it won’t make you care


People walk in and out your life, but only the real friends leave a footprint behind in your heart


 If you love something… let it go.
If it comes back… it’s yours.
If it doesn’t… it wasn’t meant to be yours

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