Friday, December 23, 2011


The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. 
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. 
Beautiful people do not just happen.
SOMETIMES you will never know the true value of A MOMENT, until it becomes A MEMORY.

In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. 
In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. 
In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.
And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.
At the Touch of love
Everyone becomes a poet


At the Touch of Break up
Everyone becomes a philosopher ^,^
Don't be a woman that needs a man. Be a woman, a man needs

I miss

I miss someone asking me where I am.  
I miss someone bugging me at night.  
I miss someone missing me. 
I miss someone wanting me beside him. 
I miss someone who cares for me a lot. 
I miss someone reminding me how special I am. 
I miss being important to someone.
The rain falls because the cloud can no longer handle the weight.  
The tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
But what hurts you a lot changes You Forever.
Don't let people change the loving and caring person you are.
Don't let anyone get you down.
Use the love and goodness inside of you to stay strong.

Past & Future

Dear Past, thank you for all the life lessons. 
Dear Future, I'm ready now.
Words and Hearts should be handled with care
Spoken Words and Broken Hearts are the hardest things to Repair
I asked my Heart :
Why can't I Sleep at Night ?
My Heart told me :
Because you have already Slept in the Afternoon.
Don't act like you are in Love !  ^,^

10 principles

Stop and ask yourself today, "How do I really feel about myself ?" 
Before you answer read these ten principles. Better yet, keep them before you daily.

(1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself
(2) Meditate and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.

(3) Don't compare yourself to anybody else. You're unique, one of a kind, an original. So don't settle for being a copy.

(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations.

(5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.

(6) Have the courage to be different, Not be a people pleaser.

(7) Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you.

(8) Determine your own worth instead of letting others do it for you.
They'll short-change you !

(9) Keep your shortcomings in perspective - you're still a work in progress.

(10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence

CHANGE our Way of Accepting

A Good Thought :
"Be BLIND To The Fault Of OTHERS, IT BRINGS Peace In Your LIFE,
You Have To CHANGE Your Way of Accepting THINGS"


A - L - O - N - E

A- All the time I Think of You

L- Longing to see You

O - On my mind its only You

N - Never ever I'll forget you

E - Every minute of my Life