Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seems Difficult

Find the word "LOVE HURT"

S - R - T - U - U - H - S - L - I - O - P - X - Q - J - T - O - L - D
E - A - A - L - O - V - E - H - U - R - T - O - I - F - Q - M -V - B
P - E - B - O - I - F - Q - D - D - I - V - A - F - G - S - P - O - A
A - R - N - J - T - W - F - U - P - F - S - Ñ - A - D - S - Q - I - U
S - R - T - U - U - H - S - L - I - O - P - X - Q - J - T - O - L - D
E - D - A - K - M - P - N- E - A - W - O - L - Y - A - T- M -V - B
P - E - B - O - I - F - Q - D - D - I - V - A - F - G - S - P - O - A
♥ ♥
The hardest part of missing someone is not the absence of that person,
it's when you think of all those good times and ask yourself,
'will those moments ever happen again?'
So Sweet

Girl : I hate the fact, I am not as tall as you.
Boy : Well that's an advantage to you if you believe me !:)
Girl : How ?
Boy : You can listen to my heart which beats only for u ♥♥
Don't be too confident
When Someone tells you
They Love You,
The real question is "Until When. . . ?"
Because Just like seasons
People change & so does Feelings !!! :(
When he takes time to text you back and you think;

Maybe he's just busy. Maybe his phone died. Maybe he's sleeping. 
Maybe my inbox is full. Maybe I forgot to press send. 
Maybe one of us doesn't have signal. Maybe he doesn't have his phone on him.
Maybe he got it taken away. Maybe he's out with his family.
What if I disturbed him ? He's probably annoyed with me.
It's been 5 minutes. Now 10.
Oh god, he hates me. What have I done ?
Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success.
-- Oscar Wilde --
When I don’t see you, I’m perfectly fine and I can move on. 
But the second I see your face, I’m back to wishing you were mine again ♥
We've come across many recycled quotes and phrases about relationships online. 
But here is the reality of things...
You could be with someone right now, but there's no guarantee you guys will last. 
You & someone could be getting to know each other right now, but there is a possibility that you might not like them after getting to know how they are once they get too comfortable. Someone could tell you they like you right now, but later on, they could start getting bored, start losing interest naturally on their own, or meet someone else along the way. 
You & someone could be in love right now, but that doesn't always mean you are meant to be together.
Let's face it.
Now matter how much you tell yourself you're over someone, your heart knows the truth.
Don't give up, okay ?
 I know you've been hurt, I know how it feels. 
Believe me, I do. But the feeling will pass. The tears will stop falling. Your heart will heal itself.
You absolutely destroyed me, did you know that ? 
But you know what, I just wanna say thank you. I don't regret meeting you, but I don't wish you would magically come back into my life again, because I believe God gives us someone like this for a reason. Someone who will hurt you a million times, someone who will leave you and not look back. But this person, they will make you a better person in the end. You will come out stronger than ever before and you will be happier without him than you were with him.
Once you love someone, even after you move on, it will always hurt to see them with someone else :(
Forget his name, forget his face, forget his kiss, him warm embrace.
Forget the love that you once knew, remember he has someone knew.
Forget him when they played your song, remember when you cried all night long.
Forget how close you once were, remember he has chosen her.
Forget how you memorized his walk, forget the way he used to talk.
Forget the things he used to say, remember he has gone away.
Forget his laugh,forget his grin, forget the dimples on his chin.
Forget the way he held you tight,remember he’s with her tonight.
Forget the time that went so fast, forget the love that moved, it’s past. 
Forget he said he’d leave you never, remember he’s gone forever ♥