Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't shield yourself from pain, never fear pain either.
Face whatever it is that comes your way.
Don't be afraid to stumble and fall, to cry and get hurt.
Dread not those helpless moments,
when you can't even fight your tears back,
and all you can do is stare at something and let time pass.
You can only understand happiness after you've felt pain.
Life is not fair, it never was, and it won't ever be.
All we can do is to live it to the fullest.
I honestly don't need an amazingly handsome man that's super smart and ultra outgoing and is really rich and has almost everything or even EVERYTHING a woman could ask for in a man.

I just need a man that is mature enough to love me, be with me, understand me for who I am and for the short comings I may have even if I try my best to be his everything. I swear in return I'll be the best woman I could be that will make him feel like the prince he is of my world, considering I still believe in chivalry.