Monday, September 9, 2013

The best feeling comes when you realize that you’re perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed most

The only thing harder than losing someone you love, is being with them & knowing you're drifting apart & it really isn't going to work no matter how hard you try."

If someone won't lift a finger to call you, see you or spend time with you...
Then it's time for you to lift five fingers and wave Good Bye.

We make life harder than it has to be.
The difficulties started when… conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution.
Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it.

If you are waiting for someone else to make you happy, you’re missing out.
Smile because you can. Choose happiness. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be happy with who you are now, and let your positivity inspire your journey into tomorrow.
Happiness is often found when and where you decide to seek it. If you look for happiness within the opportunities you have, you will eventually find it. But if you constantly look for something else, unfortunately, you’ll find that too.

Sometimes we don't notice the things others do for us until they stop doing them. Dont be like that. Be grateful for what you have, who loves you, and who cares for you. You'll never know how much they mean to you until the day they're no longer beside you.

~Melchor Lim~


Loving you made me strong but it also made me weak.
It made me happy but also depressed.
It helped me up but also pulled me down.
It taught me how to hold on but now it's teaching me how to let go