Monday, June 4, 2012

Suatu hari ada nenek dgn kaca mata tebal bernama Santi naik bus. Ongkos bus 500 perak bagi lansia.

Tak lama datang kondektur: "Ongkosnya nek..."

Nek Santi membuka resleting tasnya yang berada di sebelah kirinya dan mencari-cari koin kuning 500 perak yg ada dalam tasnya. Tas si nenek diletakkan di antara si nenek dan seorang mahasiswa.

"Belom ketemu nak, nanti deh", ujarnya.

Setelah beberapa saat ketika kondektur lewat lagi, si kondektur nagih lagi, si nenek membuka resleting, mencari-cari koin, belom ketemu dan menjawab, "nanti ya, sabar"

Beberapa kali berulang-ulang, sampai akhirnya Ricky, mahasiswa yg tadinya duduk diam di sebelahnya akhirnya bicara, "Daripada susah-susah, saya bayarin aja deh nek"

Lalu mahasiswa itu membayari ongkos si nenek ke kondektur.

Si kondektur tersenyum bangga dan bilang, "baik kali kau anak muda..."

Demikian juga si nenek dgn terharu berkata, " duh anak muda, baik sekali kamu nak".

Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "nggak apa2 nek, daripada gara-gara 500 perak, dari tadi resleting celana saya dibuka tutup, diaduk2 sama nenek, mendingan saya bayarin aja deh... !!!" X_X:D:'(  geli dan ngiluuu tau..!

If Someone Waits For You,

It Doesn't Mean That
They Have Nothing To Do.

It Just Means That,

Nothing Else Is More Important Than You.... ♥

Texting the same person all day and night and never getting bored because you like them that much.
If you were happy before you knew someone, you can be happy when they're gone. 
You can't be happy if you're still holding onto people that have already moved on. 
Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future. 
Cry as much as you want to, but just make sure when you're finished, you never cry for the same reason again. 
Know your worth. Know when you have had enough. And move on from the people or situation that preventing your happiness.
Being single is a choice. Some say to avoid heartaches n love problems.... But some single choose to be single coz they still love someone secretly ^,^
Do you know what's harder after making other people HAPPY???
It's when they don't realize that you also need someone to do the same!
When life changes to be more difficult, change yourself to be stronger
Girl: Will you pick me up if I ever fell down?
Boy: No.

Girl: Would you wipe away the tears when I’m sad?
Boy: Never.

Girl: Will you still love me when I look my worst?
Boy: Nope.

Girl: At least you’re honest …

Boy: I wouldn’t pick you up if you fell because I would catch you before you even hit the ground. I wouldn’t wipe away your tears because I’ll make sure there’s nothing for you to ever be sad about. I wouldn’t love you when you look your worst because that’s impossible. You always look you’re best, even when you think you don’t. I love you more than anything, remember that...
You lied to me when you said you loved me...
I told the truth when i said i would love you forever...

You lied when you said that you wouldn't break my heart...
I told the truth when i said that it was yours for life...

You lied when you said you'd forever be mine...
I told the truth when i said till the end of time...


you told the truth when you said you were ready to move on...
And I lied when i told you that i was fine....
The hardest part of missing someone is not the absence of that person,
it's when you think of all those good times and ask yourself,
'will those moments ever happen again ?'
When your mood's not good without any reason,
You are definitely missing someone...