Monday, February 13, 2012

Never feel ashamed for feeling hurt;
Your Quiet Tears, or Pain.
It is your Freedom to acknowledge what you Feel;
That makes you so Courageous.
Give your self time to Heal.
Emotionally, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.

Sometimes we need our own Time and Space to do that.
If you need to Take Baby steps to Hope and Love;
Take them.
And feel Proud of your own emerging inner Strength and Faith.

Because you are not the Broken Pieces;
You are the Little Steps that bring you back to Light;
Life and Blossoming Joy.
Real But Sad Truth :(

People who - R E S P E C T - Love,
Never get their Loved one . . .

People who - T H I N K - Love is a time pass,
Get true Love but they don't respect it . . .
She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh.
If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up. 
She is the one that always says sorry, even if it's not her fault. 
Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know. 
This is the girl who is afraid of love, because she has already lost too much.
Cute Conversation

Heart Says to eyes, "See less, Because you see and i suffer a lot."

Eyes replies, "Feel less, because you feel and i cry a lot"
• You promised 2 take care of me but you hurt me ,
• You promised to bring me joy But you brought me tears
• You promised me your love but gave me tears

Me ?

I promised you nothing & gave you everything !
♥ Sometimes special people come in your life, only to teach you how to live alone without them. ♥
Dear GIRLS .. ♥

If a boy tells you to Listen to a SONG,
Just make sure you Pay Attention to the LYRICS because It's Everything that he wants to Say ..!!! ^_^
There are things in life that you can't hold on forever, no matter how hard you fight for it..
sometimes destiny isn't always good, it becomes playful..
when you met someone you learned to love,
you thought it was destiny who made your paths cross..
but what if making your paths cross is just a part of the game that the playful destiny creates ?
making you realize in the end that the person you thought was destined for you wasn't really meant to stay..
but is only destined to make you feel loved and leave you when you've already fallen..

Pastor share their problem

Three pastor met and agreed to sincerely tell each other their problem which must be kept from other people.

The first Pastor said, "my problem is Money, i do steal even from the church offertory, please brethren pray for me".

The second Pastor, "My own problem is WOMEN; when ever i see women i think of nothing but sleeping with them, I have slept with almost half of the women in my church, please pray for me".

Turning to the third Pastor to hear his problem, he started crying, it took his friend some effort to calm him down after that, he was asked to continue and he said (still crying), "that my own problem is GOSSIPING, i always tell people anything i hear even as am here now i can't wait to talk when we leave this room, everybody will hear what you two just told me".