Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ketika ......

~Ketika kerjamu ... Tϊđακ dihargai
» maka saat itu ... kau sedang belajar tentang
» Κ E Τ U L U Ș A N «
~Ketika usahamu dinilai ...Tϊđακ penting
» maka saat itu ....... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» Κ E I Κ Н L A Ș A И «

~Ketika hatimu ... terluka sangat dalam,
» maka saat itu ..... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» М E М A A F Κ A И «

~Ketika kau harus ....... Lelah & Kecewa
» maka saat itu ...... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» Κ E Ș U И G G U Н A И «

~Ketika kau merasa ..... Sepi & Sendiri
» maka saat itu ...... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» Κ E Τ A И G G U Н A И «

~Ketika kau harus ..... Menghadapi pilihan yang Sulit
» maka saat itu ...... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» Κ E B I J A K A N S A N A A N «

~Ketika kau harus ... ..... membayar biaya yang sebenarnya tidak perlu kau tanggung tanggung"
» maka saat itu ...... kau sedang belajar tentang:
» K E M U R A H – H A T I A N «

Kuncinya adalah :
Tetap semangat....
Tetap sabar.. ..
Tetap tersenyum....
Terus belajar..

Karena kau sedang menimba ilmu di ..... Universitas KEHIDUPAN.
Engkau berada di tempatmu yang sekarang adalah ...... Bukan karena KEBETULAN.

Karena Orang Hebat Tidak Pernah Dihasilkan hanya melalui .....
Kemudahan ....... Kesenangan ....... Ketenangan

Orang Hebat akan díbentuk melalui ..... Kesukaran ...... Penderitaan .......
Melalui Tantangan dan ..... Bahkan kadang harus dilalui dengan Air Mata .

Pelaut Hebat tak bisa dihasilkan dari lautan yg selalu tenang .
Pilot Handal pun tak bisa dihasilkan tanpa mengahadapi kesulitan .

Ketika engkau mengalami sesuatu yg sangat berat dαņ merasa dítinggalkan sendiri dlm hidup ini ...
Angkatlah Tangan dαņ Kepalamu ke atas ......
Berdoalah Kepada Tuhan mu , Tataplah masa depanmu .

Ketahuilah..... Semua itu adalah Persiapan untuk menjαdî Orang yg Luar Biasa.

Yakinlah dan tetaplah berusaha untuk ... Нαri ini yang bisa lebih Baik dari hari kemarin dan .... Hari Esok yang lebih baik lagi dari Hari ini .

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eνєяутнιηg Iη Lιƒє
Cαηт Mαкє Yσυ Hαρρу ..

Eνєяутнιηg Iη A Dαу
Cαηт Mαкє Yσυ Sαтιѕƒιє∂ ..

Tнєяє'z OηєTнιηg
Wнι¢н Mαкєѕ Yσυ Fєєℓ Nι¢є ..

Tнαт'ѕ Lσνє Fσя Yσυ
Iη Sσмєσηє'ѕ Eуєѕ ..!!
Kita pernah "DILUKAI" atau mungkin pernah "MELUKAI" tapi karena itu kita
BELAJAR... tentang bagaimana cara menghargai, menerima, berkorban dan memperhatikan.

Kita pernah "DIBOHONGI" dan mungkin pernah "MEMBOHONGI" dari itulah kita belajar tentang KEJUJURAN.

Andai kita tidak pernah melakukan kesalahan dalan hidup ini, mungkin kita tidak pernah belajar arti dari MEMINTA MAAF dan MEMBERI MAAF.

Setiap waktu yg telah kita habiskan dalam hidup ini, tidak akan terulang kembali, namun ada satuhal yg masih tetap bisa kita lakukan, yaitu BELAJAR dari masalalu untuk hari ESOK yg lebih baik.

Hidup adalah proses
Hidup adalah belajar
Tanpa ada batas umur
Tanpa ada kata tua

JATUH, berdiri lagi
KALAH, mencoba lagi
GAGAL, bangkit lagi
Sampai Dia-Nya memanggil

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just because we don't talk doesn't mean I don't think about you. I'm just trying to distance myself because I know I can't have you.
Leaving someone is the greatest torture you can do to your heart, especially at the time when you're loving that person most.
I don't chase after anyone anymore. 
If you wanna walk out of my life, I'll hold the door open for you.
Many Books Are Available for
A Single Book Is Not Available for
Do you know what's the hardest challenge of life ?
facing GOODBYES when your heart don't want to...
Life is just like painting, draw the lines with hope, erase the errors with tolerance. Dip the brush with lots of patience and color it with love
it's taken me awhile, but i'm learning that letting go of the past

is a good thing. it doesn't mean forgetting, it just means moving

on and you can't enjoy the present when you're stuck in the past.
I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do...
I'm sorry I can't help myself, I'm in love with you.
when you love someone, you'll do anything
you'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
you'll shoot the moon .. put out the sun..

when you love someone, you'll deny the truth .. believe a lie
there'll be times that you'll believe you can really fly
but your lonely nights have just begun
when you love someone.
Don't show so much of care to anyone, because you can't bear the pain which you feel when they start avoiding you .

Monday, March 26, 2012

@>--Tetap TERSENYUM saat diremehkan
@>--Tetap TAAT meski hidup amat berat

@>--Tetap SETIA meski mrs ditinggalkn
@>--Tetap DAMAI tatkala situasi sulit.

Jiwa yg malas, tetap tersesat walaupun sudah sampai...
Jiwa yang tamak, tetap mengeluh di atas kekayaan.
Jiwa yg berSYUKUR akan tetap berbahagia bahkan di atas masalah sekalipun...
Smoga kita semua termasuk golongan orang-orang yg bersyukur...
Tips untuk wanita yang pertama kali melakukannya:

1. Berbaringlah dengan tenang, meskipun Anda pasti akan merasa tegang dan grogi.

2. Dia akan mendekat dan menanyakan apakah Anda takut. Kalau dia bertanya demikian, gelengkanlah kepala Anda dengan penuh keberanian.
3. Lalu dia akan mulai memasukan "Perkakas"-nya. Mungkin suhu badan Anda akan meningkat. Tapi tenang saja, karena dia akan melakukannya dengan gentle..

4. Dia akan memandang mata Anda dalam- dalam, dan meminta Anda untuk percaya padanya. Jangan kuatir, dia sudah punya banyak pengalaman dalam hal ini.

5. Senyumnya yang menawan akan membuat Anda sedikit rileks, dan dia akan meminta Anda untuk membuka lebih lebar agar dia dapat masuk dengan mudah. Saat ini mungkin Anda akan memintanya agar melakukan apa yang ingin dia lakukan dengan cepat. Tapi dia tak mau terburu-buru. Dia tidak ingin Anda kesakitan.

6. Dia juga akan menanyakan kalau- kalau Anda merasa sakit. Meskipun berlinang air mata, tetaplah gelengkan kepala Anda, dan meminta dia untuk meneruskannya. Pada moment ini mungkin Anda juga akan merasa sedikit mati rasa.

7. Setelah beberapa saat, Anda akan merasakan suatu kelegaan yang luar biasa, dan dia akan menarik "Perkakas"- nya keluar. Dia akan tersenyum hangat, dan memuji betapa hebatnya Anda.

8. Tersenyumlah sepuas-puasnya, Karena bagaimanapun juga, ini adalah pengalaman pertama Anda .... "CABUT GIGI"
A young mosquito went out flying for the first time in his life.
When it came back, the father asked, "how was it out there & how did you feel ?" 

The young mosquito replied, "it was great daddy, everyone was clapping hands for me."

The father replied, "Everyone was clapping hands for you ? Everyone wanted to kill you. The more they clapped, the more chances you were going to die."
In life, not all the people who celebrate with you are well wishers !!
be wise.
boys will break your heart,
friends will betray you
parents will seem too strict
and life might annoy you
but you should always remember that there’s a purpose
for these things to be happening to us
so keep your head up and your spirits high
because if you don't
life will just pass you by
Bagi anda yg pny rencana demo besok, berikut ini diberikan tips agar tampil maksimal :

1. Dandan dengan baik. Ini diperlukan krn demo hari ini akan diliput oleh media elektronik & cetak nasional. Sehingga jika anda kelihatan jelek di TV tentu akan membuat malu keluarga anda. Untuk itu jagalah riasan anda agar tetap bagus. X_X ...
2. Pakailah bahan yang menyerap seperti katun, jika memungkinkan pakailah baju pantai khas bali.#:-s

3. Jangan lupa bawalah dan gunakan Sun Block, karena cuaca Kota jakarta yang ekstrim akan membakar kulit halusmu. :$

4. Kenakan selalu kacamata hitam, berfungsi untuk menjaga penglihatan dari cuaca panas. Selain itu jg utk antisipasi jika demo berubah anarkis maka bisa menyamar jd tukang pijat. B)

5. Bawalah selalu air mineral, jika memungkinkan sekaligus dengan dispensernya. Sekalian bawa syrup untuk jualan. Kan panas tuh pasti laris :D

Selamat berdemo & tetap semangat :p

How to Make a Woman Happy ?

It's not difficult to make a woman happy.
A man only needs to be :

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a chef
5. an electrician
6. a carpenter
7. a plumber
8. a mechanic
9. a decorator
10. a stylist
11. a driver
12. a gynecologist
13. a psychologist
14. a pest exterminator
15. a psychiatrist
16. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate


45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very generous
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls

Easy huh... :p

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced
If you want to be trusted, be honest. If you want to be honest, be true. If you want to be true, be yourself.
❤๑๑……. ) ` – . .> ‘ `( …….. FRIENDSHIP ………………….๑๑❤
❤๑๑…… / . . . .` . . …………………………………………….๑๑❤
❤๑๑…… |. . . . . |. . .| ….. IS LIKE A FLOWER ; …………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑……. . . . ./ . ./ ………………………………………………๑๑❤
❤๑๑……… `=( /.=` …. GROWING IN ITS GLORY , ……..๑๑❤
❤๑๑……….. `-;`.-’ ………………………………………………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑…………. `)| … , .. TELLING ITS OWN STORY ; ……..๑๑❤
❤๑๑…………… || _.-’| …………………………………………….๑๑❤
❤๑๑………… ,_|| _,/ .. FRIENDSHIP IS PRECIOUS ……..๑๑❤
❤๑๑…… , ….. || .’ ………………………………………………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑….. | | ,. ||/ ……….. NOT ONLY IN SHADE , ………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑. ,..` | /|.,|Y, ………………………………………………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑… ‘-…’-._..||/ …. BUT IN THE SUNSHINE OF LIFE …๑๑❤
❤๑๑……. >_.-`Y| ………………………………………………….๑๑❤
❤๑๑………… ,_|| …… THANKS FOR BEING MY FRIENDS .๑๑❤
❤๑๑………….. || …………………………………………………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑…………… || …………. MAY OUR FRIENDSHIP ……….๑๑❤
❤๑๑…………… || …………………………………………………..๑๑❤
❤๑๑…………… |/ …………… WILL EVERLASTING ………..๑๑
Cegah Penyakit dengan 10 Makanan Ini, Jakarta: Memiliki daya tahan tubuh kuat dan bebas dari segala penyakit menjadi keinginan setiap orang. Kesehatan adalah hal utama yang wajib dijaga demi kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik. Menjaga kesehatan tentunya tidak terlepas dari bagaimana Anda memilih makanan yang baik bagi kesehatan.

Ada beberapa makanan yang memiliki manfaat pencegahan dan bahkan penyembuhan untuk berbagai macam penyakit. Bahkan, makanan-makanan ini bisa Anda dapatkan di sekitar Anda dengan mudah, di antaranya yaitu:

1. Jahe
Telah dikenal luas jahe merupakan salah satu tanaman herbal terbaik dunia. Penelitian menunjukkan jahe dapat digunakan sebagai anti peradangan, dengan cara memblokir enzim seperti cara yang dilakukan aspirin, ibuprofen dan naproxen. Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa jahe digunakan hampir seluruh masyarakat di Asia sebagai pengobatan atau perawatan alami untuk mengatasi penyakit tertentu.

2. Labu
Labu kaya akan beta karoten dan beta cryptoxanthin. Bahkan, para peneliti dari Inggris menemukan orang yang pola makannya tinggi akan beta-cryptoxanthin dapat menurunkan risiko arthritis sebesar 50 persen.

3. Paprika Merah
Dalam paprika merah terdapat carotenoid, yaitu antioksidan yang berguna dalam melawan peradangan. Lebih dari itu, paprika juga diperkaya dengan Vitamin C yang cukup untuk mencukupi kebutuhan Vitamin C harian tubuh Anda.

4. Kacang
Semua jenis kacang memiliki kandungan gizi yang sama baiknya. Kandungan karbohidrat kompleks, protein, dan serat pada kacang berperan penting dalam menjaga kadar gula darah tubuh tetap stabil sehingga baik untuk mencegah penyakit diabetes.

5. Putih Telur
Putih telur merupakan sumber protein yang baik dan aman dikonsumsi bagi penderita diabetes karena kandungan kalorinya yang rendah, yaitu 17 kalori per butir.

6. Keju
Penelitian menyebutkan wanita yang mengalami PMS memiliki kadar kalsium yang lebih rendah.
Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kadar kalsium tubuh tetap stabil selama PMS, para wanita dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi keju, mengingat keju mengandung kalsium yang tinggi.

7. Brokoli
Kandungan sulforaphane pada brokoli berperan dalam memulihkan kembali pembuluh darah yang rusak akibat tingginya kadar gula darah (hiperglikemia), yang berkaitan erat dengan diabetes. Sedangkan kandungan kalsiumnya, berguna dalam menjaga kepadatan tulang dan mencegah osteoporosis.

8. Oatmeal
Tak bisa dipungkiri oatmeal adalah salah satu menu sehat yang tidak boleh dilewatkan. Makanan ini kaya akan serat larut, yang mampu menyerap kolesterol dan mengeluarkannya dari tubuh Anda. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang mengonsumsi oatmeal setiap hari memiliki risiko 21 persen lebih rendah terkena penyakit kardiovaskular seperti penyakit jantung dan stroke.

9. Ubi Ungu
Kandungan antosianin pada ubi ungu bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan yang dapat menyerap polusi udara, oksidasi dalam tubuh dan menghambat penggumpalan darah sehingga kesehatan aliran darah tetap terjaga. Serat dan pektin dalam ubi ungu juga sangat baik untuk mencegah gangguan pencernaan seperti wasir, sembelit, hingga kanker kolon.

10. Bayam
Bayam diketahui banyak mengandung protein, lemak, karbohidrat, zat besi, kalium, kalsium, serta vitamin A, B, dan C. Dengan kandungannya tersebut, bayam berkhasiat untuk membantu meningkatkan kinerja ginjal dan melancarkan pencernaan, mengatasi anemia, dan mencegah pengeroposan tulang.

Semua makanan di atas sangat mudah didapat. Bahkan beberapa di antaranya bisa Anda dapatkan di pekarangan rumah. Inilah bukti bahwa menjadi sehat tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya yang mahal. Yuk, kita menjadi sehat dengan cara yang hemat. (duniafitnes/DOR)
Tukang ikan: "Bu, ikan kembung seger nih!"
Pembeli: "Kecil² 'gini, ini sich bukan kembung, tapi kempes!"
Tukang ikan nyengir: "Atau ini bu, ikan belanak?"
Pembeli: "Heeellooww, ikan bukannya bertelor, bang?!"
Tukang ikan menahan jengkel.
Pembeli:"...Eeh, sebetulnya saya mau cari ikan baronang, bang"...
Tukang ikan: "heeellooow.. Semua ikan dari dulu juga baronang, bu. Belom ada yang jalan kaki ato naek ojeg!"... :p

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Boy: Where Are You Going ?
Girl: For Suicide..

Boy: Then, Why soo Much Make-Up ?
Girl: You Idiot !! Tomorrow My Photo Will Come In Newspaper....XD
I don't understand our relationship.
Sometimes we're friends, sometimes we're more then friends
and sometimes I'm just a stranger to you.
Jangan pernah meremehkan dirimu.
Tuhan memberikanmu hidup bukan karena kamu membutuhkannya, tapi karena seseorang membutuhkanmu.

Jangan hiraukan mereka yg menjelekkan dirimu. Siapa dirimu hanya kamu yg tahu, hanya kamu yg menentukan, bukan mereka!

... Menjadi yang “TERBAIK” lebih penting dari pada menjadi yang “PERTAMA”.

Jangan terlalu tergantung pada orang lain, kamu lebih kuat dari yg kamu pikirkan, hanya terkadang kamu tak mempercayainya..

Jangan tangisi dia yg telah mengkhianatimu. Bersyukurlah, karena Tuhan telah menunjukkan bahwa dia bukan orang yg tepat bagimu.

Jangan buang energimu utk membalas, hukum Nya lebih mengerikan.

Jangan lari dari masalah, mereka akan selalu menghampirimu. Yg harus kamu lakukan adalah pelajari cara mengatasinya.

Jangan remehkan dirimu sendiri. Kamu terlahir dengan banyak talenta, Manfaatkanlah. Mereka adalah jembatan menuju kebahagiaanmu.

Sesuatu yang dimulai dengan kebaikan akan menghasilkan kebaikan. Namun jika hasilnya belum baik, maka itu bukanlah akhir.

Rasa iri merugikanmu. Luangkan waktu tuk bersyukur atas segala hal yg kamu miliki. Kamu terbaik dengan caramu sendiri.

Hidup selalu punya banyak hal tuk membuatmu jatuh. Namun, apa yg benar-benar bisa membuatmu jatuh adalah sikapmu.

Jangan pernah berpikir kamu bukan siapa-siapa, karena kamu tak pernah tahu bahwa ada seseorang yg berpikir kamu adalah segalanya.

Jangan pikirkan mereka yg membencimu, karena mereka hanya iri atas pribadimu yg lebih baik. Abaikan mereka & teruslah melangkah.

Saya tidak bangga karena kesalahan saya. Tapi saya bangga karena saya dapat belajar dari kesalahan saya.

Jangan memandang rendah dirimu sendiri. Jika kamu tak bahagia dengan hidupmu saat ini, intropeksi diri dan berusahalah lebih baik.

Semua orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangan, tapi jika kamu tak bisa menghargai kekuranganmu, kamu tak menghargai dirimu sendiri.

Ketika kamu terobsesi mengejar apa yg bukan untukmu, kamu akan selalu menemukan sesuatu yg salah dengan apa yg kamu miliki.
Don't let yourself be controlled by these three things : your past, people, and money.

Life is actually pretty simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Here are a few easy ways to uncomplicate it:

Learn from the past, and then get the heck out of there! – Past mistakes should teach you to create a wonderful future; not cause you to be afraid of it. Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience. Success is not about where you are standing at any given point in time; it’s about how much you’ve learned and how far you’ve come to get there.

Focus on what’s truly important. – Identify what’s most important to you. Eliminate as much as you possibly can of everything else. No wasted time, no fluff, no regrets.

Focus on being productive, not being busy. – Don’t just get things done; get the right things done. Results are always more important than the time it takes to achieve them. Stop and ask yourself if what you’re working on is worth the effort. Is it bringing you in the same direction as your goals? Don’t get caught up in odd jobs, even those that seem urgent, unless they are also important.

Give what you want to receive. – You get the best out of others, and every situation, when you give the best of yourself. Start practicing the golden rule. If you want love, give love. If you want friends, be friendly. If you want money, provide value. It works. It really is this simple.

Stop trying to be everything to everyone. – Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people. Start focusing on being everything to someone. Helping or pleasing everyone is impossible. But making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus and be yourself.

Do what you know in your heart is right. – Stop doing immoral things simply because you can. Start being honest with yourself and everyone else. Don’t cheat. Be faithful. Be kind. Do the right thing! It is a less complicated way to live. Integrity is the essence of everything successful. When you break the rules of integrity you invite serious complications into your life. Keep life simple and enjoyable by doing what you know in your heart is right.

Organize your space. – Start clearing clutter. Get rid of stuff you don’t use and then organize what’s left. Keeping both your living and working areas organized is crucial. If you have a cluttered space, it can be distracting and stressful. A clear space is like a blank canvas, available to be used to create something great.

Be efficient. – Stop being inefficient simply because you’ve always done it that way. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. Many times we live with unplanned, complex systems in our lives simply because we haven’t given them much thought. Instead, streamline your life by finding better ways of handling common tasks. Focus on one system at a time (your cleaning system, your errands system, your paperwork system, your email system, etc.) and try to make it simplified, efficient, and logical. Then, once you have it perfected, stick to it.

Let things be less than perfect. – Smile every chance you get; not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have, and all the problems I know you don’t have. You must accept the fact that life is not perfect, that people are not perfect, and that you are not perfect. And that’s okay, because the real world doesn’t reward perfection. It rewards people who get GOOD things done. And the only way to get GOOD things done is to be imperfect 99% of the time.

Let go of needless drama and those who create it. – Never create unnecessary drama, and don’t surround yourself with those who do. Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you – people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it. Don’t walk away from negative people, RUN! Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.

Forget what everyone else thinks and wants for you. – One of the greatest freedoms is simply not caring what everyone else thinks of you. Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be. The best thing you can do is follow your heart. Take risks. Don’t just accept the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what others will think, or afraid of what might happen. If you do, nothing will ever happen. Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. They aren’t.

Lao Shu Ai Da Mi

Lao Shu Ai Da Mi (老鼠爱大米) Mice Love Big Rice

Wo ting jian ni de sheng yin---I hear your voice

you zhong te bie de gan jue---have a special kind of feeling

rang wo bu duan xiang---makes me constantly miss

bu gan zai wang ji ni---don't dare forget you again

wo ji de you yi ge ren---I remember there is one person

yong yuan liu zai wo xin zhong---forever stays in my heart

na pa zhi neng gou zhe yang de xiang ni---even still all able to do is miss you like this.

ru guo zhen de you yi tian---If really there's a day

ai qing li xiang hui shi xian---ideal romance is achieved

Wo hui jia bei nu li hao hao dui ni---I will doubly strive be good to you

yong yuan bu gai bian---forever not changing

bu guan lu you duo me yuan---no matter the road is however far

yi ding hui rang ta shi xian---will definitely make happen

wo hui qing qing zai ni er bian---will softly beside your ear

dui ni shou, dui ni shou---say to you, say to you.


Wo ai ne, ai zhe ni---I love you, loving you

jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi---just like mouse love rice

bu guan you duo shao feng yu---no matter there is how much wind rain

wo dou hai yi ran pei zhe ni---I will still as before be there with you

wo xiang ni, xiang zhe ni---I miss you, missing you

bu guan you duo me de ku---no matter however bitter

zhi yao neng rang ni kai xin---so long as make you happy

wo shen me dou yuan yi---willing to do anything

zhe yang ai ne---this way love you.

source :

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You loved me at my best. And left me at my worst.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Memories are so stupid..
That the ordinary people makes you laugh and the special people always make you cry.. Still we care for the special ones !!
the ones who loves u the most are the ones who hurt you alot......
If i hurt you in anyway remember i'm the one who loves you alot.. ^,^
I'm a STAR !!
Know why ?
No matter how dark the situation is around me, I still struggle to twinkle
Nobody likes their feelings to be hurt, so don't hurt other people's feelings especially not deliberately.
Don't Be Afraid of Losing People Around You ..

If They Want You Or Care For You ..

They'll Never Leave .. =)
Photo: Share And Inspire Others. <3<3

Inspire Your Spirit With Best Inspirational, Motivational and Romantic Thoughts <3<3 

See more 
Things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, It means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
Life is about the people we meet and the things we create with them. So let’s go out and start creating, life is too short to be spent alone.
Some people don't realize how harsh their words can come off. Choose your words wisely.
People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all.
People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. 
How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel ? 
Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.

Its madness to hate all roses because you got scratched by one thorn.
To give up all your dreams because one didn’t come true.
To loose faith in prayers because one wasn’t answered.
To give up on your efforts because one of them failed.
To condemn all your friends because one of them betrayed.
Not to believe in love because someone was unfaithful.

Remember that another chance will come up, a new friend, a new love, a new life.
Never give up, because life is indeed beautiful, very beautiful.

Sarang Han Da Myun - If You Are in Love (Ost. Sad Love Story / Sad Sonata)

Sarang Handa Myun – Sad Sonata

Sarang Handa Myun
Honja Molle Haseyo
Nehgeh Chekeem Uhb Suhyo
eemee nehmamehn dareun saram damahjyo
EeRwoJilSoo Uhbdago HaeDo
Maeum GooSuk UhDiDo
GeuDeh Sul Got UhbSuhYo
ChoonGo HalKkeYo HaRuRaDo
NaRoBooTo DdoNaYo
Uhl MaNa Heem DeunJi Babo ChuhRum
Sarang HalJin AhNiJyo
MehEel KkoomKkwoYo
Neh SamEul ParaSuh
KeuDehl Katgo Ship DaGo
Neul Uh Geun Na Neun Guhn Neh Oon
Myung EenGuhJyo
Keu Deh BiKyuh Kaseyo
NehGa Sarang Hal Saram
KeuDeh Boon Myung AhniniKka
Algo Issuhyo Baraboneun
Keu Seul PeumEh Keu Kireul
Hajiman MotHaeYo Keudehro
Nuhrang Bada Joolsoo UhbSuhYo
MehEel KkoomKkwoYo
Neh SamEul ParaSuh
KeuDehl Katgo ShipDaGo
Neul Uh Geun Na Neun Guhn Neh Oon
Myung EenGuhJyo
Keu Deh BiKyuh Kaseyo
NehGa Sarang Hal Saram
KeuDeh Boon Myung AhniniKka
Nal Saranghaji Maseyo
SarangHaji Maseyo

English Translate
If You Are in Love – Sad Sonata OST

If you are in love
Please secretly be single
You can’t give me this responsibility
I already have another person in my heart
There’s no way you can win
There is no where for you to live
Even in the corner of my heart
So here’s my advice to you
Leave from me today
No matter how hard it may be
Don’t love me like a fool
Everyday I dream
Because my life is for sale
I want to have you
Always being out of sync is my destiny
Please go and get out of the way
The person whom I love
That person clearly is not you
I know
I can see the sadness in this path
But I can’t do it
I can’t take that from you
Everyday I dream
Because my life is for sale
I want to have you
Always being out of sync is my destiny
Please go and get out of the way
The person whom I love
That person clearly is not you
Please don’t love me
Don’t love me

Video clip :


Video clip & Movies :



Sad Sonata is a love story about two men and one woman. The young Joon-young (Kwon Sang Woo), who was raised by his mother who sold liquor to American soldiers, met the blind Hae-in (Kim Hee Sun) and they became childhood sweethearts. Then, Hae-in immigrated to the U.S. following her aunt and her uncle[American soldier that married her aunt]. There she met Gun-woo (Yeon Jung Hoon), who was Joon-young's best friend and son of a very rich man. After she received a letter from Hwa-jung saying that Joon-young is dead, she accepted Gun-woo's love. After an operation, Hae-in was able to see again . The story picks up again when composer Joon-young, singer Hae-In, and music producer Gun-woo all meet again.

Source & movie :



 A young man and a blind girl fall in love from their childhood days and plan to marry, but plans have been made for her to go to America. The young man aims to become a guitarist, but suddenly can no longer take the exam. At this time he has a dramatic reunion with the girl from his childhood, but she has become engaged to his best friend. Thus began the four-sided romantic drama.

Myut Bun Eul He Uh Jyuh Do - Even if we separate so many times (Ost. Sad Love Story / Sad Sonata)


na meoji salmeul da sseulge
orae dwen maeum malhalgge
myeot beoneul he eojyeodo dashi bolgeoya
oon myeongeun itji angoseo oori reul de ryeo galtende
gateunal gateun gose moggeo jool tende
dda raon ibyeoreun ggeungo
neo ehge moo reupeul ggeulgo
cheo eum booteo ojig neo yeosseo
na eh modeun sarangeul
oonmyeongeun itji ango seo oorireul deryeo gal ten de
gateun nal gateun gose moggeo jooltende

dda raon ibyeoreun ggeungo
neo ehge moo reupeul ggeulgo
cheo eum booteo ojig neo yeosseo
na eh modeun sarangeul
oonmyeongeun itji ango seo oorireul deryeo gal ten de
gateun nal gateun gose moggeo jooltende

a neun ji byeong deun seulpeumeul aneun ji
eon jena neo reul ga jyeot da mideodo
gatji mothansarangeul
neo eh sarangeul

Even if we separate so many times - Kim Heesun
translation by: Jungie (also credit:

I'll use up the rest of the life I have.
I'll tell of my heart that I've had for a long time.
Even if we separate so many times,
we're going to see each other again.

Fate doesn't forget and takes us away.
It'll tie us up on the same day and in the same place.

I end the separation that follows us
and I get on my knees before you.
From the beginning it was only you.
All of my love.

Fate doesn't forget and takes us away
It'll tie us up on the same day and in the same place.

Do you know. Do you know of the sadness that's become an illness.

Even if I believe that I've always had you
The love that I couldn't have..

Your love...
슬픈연가 OST
OST Sad Love Song

몇번을 헤어져도
myeot-beon-eul he-eo-jyeo-do
No Matter How Many Times We Part
Even If We Separate So Many Times

Yoon Gun

나머지 삶을 다 쓸게
na meo-ji salm-eul da sseul-ge
I'll use up the rest of the life I have
오래된마음 말할께
o-rae-doen ma-eum mar-hal-kke
I'll tell of my heart that I've had for a long time
몇번을 헤어져도
myeot-beon-eul he-eo-jyeo-do
Even if we separate so many times,
다시 볼거야
da-si bol geo-ya
we're going to see each other again

운명은 잊지않고서 우리를 데려갈텐데
un-myeong-eun it-ji-an-go-seo u-ri-reul de-ryeo-gal-ten-de
Fate doesn't forget and takes us away.
같은날 같은곳에 묶어줄텐데
gat-eun nal gat-eun gos-e mokk-eo-jul-ten-de
It'll tie us up on the same day and in the same place.

따라온 이별은 끊고
tta-ra-on i-byeor-eun kkeun-go
I end the separation that follows us
너에게 무릎을 꿇고
neo-e-ge mu-reup-eul kkul-go
and I get on my knees before you.
처음부터 오직 너였어
cheo-eum-bu-teo o-jik neo-yeoss-eo
From the beginning it was only you
나에 모든사랑을
na-e mo-deun sa-rang-eul
All of my love

운명은 잊지않고서 우리를 데려갈텐데
un-myeong-eun it-ji-an-go-seo u-ri-reul de-ryeo-gal-ten-de
Fate doesn't forget and takes us away.
같은날 같은곳에 묶어줄텐데
gat-eun nal gat-eun gos-e mokk-eo-jul-ten-de
It'll tie us up on the same day and in the same place

따라온 이별은 끊고
tta-ra-on i-byeor-eun kkeun-go
I end the separation that follows us
너에게 무릎을 꿇고
neo-e-ge mu-reup-eul kkul-go
and I get on my knees before you.
처음부터 오직 너였어
cheo-eum-bu-teo o-jik neo-yeoss-eo
From the beginning it was only you
나에 모든사랑을
na-e mo-deun sa-rang-eul
All of my love

운명은 잊지않고서 우리를 데려갈텐데
un-myeong-eun it-ji-an-go-seo u-ri-reul de-ryeo-gal-ten-de
Fate doesn't forget and takes us away.
같은날 같은곳에 묶어줄텐데
gat-eun nal gat-eun gos-e mokk-eo-jul-ten-de
It'll tie us up on the same day and in the same place

아는지 병든 슬픔을 아는지
a-neun-ji byeong-deun seul-peum-eul a-neun-ji
Do you know, do you know of the sadness that's become an illness
언제나 너를 가졌다 믿어도
eon-je-na neo-reul ga-jyeot-da mid-eo-do
Even if I believe that I've always had you
gat-ji-mot-han sa-rang-eul
The love that I couldn't have..
너에 사랑을...
neo-e sa-rang-eul...
Your love...


Heyojijago / That We Should Part (Ost. Sad Love Story / Sad Sonata)


narul ttonaga mianhadamyo
hunjonmal-hadot kko-naen-maldul
sarangboda kin kuri-umi twego-shipdago

pojol-kodoptdon naye salmsoke
chukbogul chudot do nakawaso
dwitmoseub kkaji haeng-bokhage manduronuhgo
heyojijago malhanunkoni
amu chunbi mothan na ottohke hae-yatweketni
ibyol hadanun non sarang ku kkochiyanira
wae-irohke kabjagi yonunchi
nol cho-um mannan nal chorom
norul algoso narul andoso
kkumul kkudushi jinaen-naldul
chu-okuroman kasumsoge tamadurago
odum ppunidon naye salmsoke
hwanhan bichuro no chojowaso
sarang ironko tashihanbon mitke-hae-nohko
heyojijago malhanunkoni
amu chunbi mothan na ottohke hae-yatweketni
ibyol hadanun non sarang ku kkochiyanira
wae-irohke kabjagi yonunchi
nol cho-um mannan nal chorom
heyojijago malhanunkoni

ibyol hadanun non sarang ku kkochiyanira
wae-irohke kabjagi yonunchi
nol cho-um mannan nal chorom 


That We Should Part

You are sorry for leaving me
As you bring up these words of being single
Rather than love, I want to have this yearning
In my worthless life
I am blessed because you come near
Until I see your back as you leave
Being like this makes me happy

Are you going to say “Let’s break up”?
I’m not at all prepared
What should I do?
I know we are parting
Surely this is not the end
Why does it come so unexpectedly?
Like the first time I met you

Because I know you
Because I hug you
Days pass as I dream
It is only in my memory that I let you in my heart
In my dark life
You came and found me through the radiant light
Let me believe in that thing called love again

* Repeat

Will you say we’re about to break up?
I know we are parting
Surely this is not the end
Why does it come so unexpectedly?
Like the first time I met you

Singer : Yoon Gun

Video clip :

Source :

Naege Oketni / Will You Come To Me (Ost. Sad Love Story / Sad Sonata)

Naege Oketni (Nae Gae Oh Gaet Ni / Naege Ogessni )

Amudo moreuga sumoso bontaedo
Ku hanbonun parasso
Kuripdon kunari charari shwiwotdon
Salmirankol mulrasso
Ku nugu buda nunbujin sarang
Ojing nol kamssago innunde
Almyonso jakku bitul karimyo
Nomanul kidarigo isso
Na anin sarangul ichulddae / naege oketni
Saraso danhanbon bol suman itdamyon
Ta dwelkora midotjyi
Ku nugu buda nunbujin sarang
Ojing nol kamssago innunde
Almyonso jakku bitul karimyo
Nomanul kidarigo isso
Na anin sarangul ichulddae / naege oketni
Naege oketni


Will You Come to Me?

I didn't know that everything was hidden
So I hoped to walk that road again
I didn't know that day
That I longed for an easier life

Your love is more dazzling than anyone's
I care only for you
As you know, sometimes I will stagger
I'm waiting just for you
When I forget the love I know
Will you come to me?

If I could see all my life one more time
I believed that it would all be okay

* Repeat

Will you come to me?

Singer :
Video :

Source :

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Maybe our old wounds teach us something.

They remind us where we’ve been and what we’ve overcome.

They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future.

That’s what we like to think.

But that’s not the way it is, is it?

Some things we just have to learn over and over again.
It's never the TEARS that always measure the pain. Sometimes it's the SMILE we fake in every heartbreaking situation.
To walk is what I always do. But prefer not to look back to people who's no longer walking with me.

Then someone asked me, "Why did you just let the other people leave you ?"
Then I'd answered, "Life is a long journey. Let see who will be walking with me until the end of my story."
It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone, when you're heart still does.
Sometimes in life we make the mistake of giving certain people the places which they never deserve in our life..
No matter what you're going through, someone is going through much worse- stay grateful !
the struggles make you stronger,
the changes make you wised,
and happiness has its own way of taking its sweet time.
Life isn't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride. ♥
Love me without fear. Trust me without wondering. Want me without demand. And most of all accept me just the way I am.
Loving someone don't need any reason; it doesn't matter having the age gaps, on how you look like, or the way you move or speak, and on what other people say.

What matters is.. how you LOVE each other, how you NEED each other and how HAPPY you are when you're together.

That's love - no reason at all, no definition, and definitely unending. :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Do not care what is said about you ...!!

You know who you are ...!!

Does not reduce your value ...!!

the secret of failure in life is : Try to please everybody
I wish life was a remote. Play the easy times. Pause the good times. Fast forward the bullshit. Rewind the memories.
Kindness doesn't cost a thing, but it's value is priceless

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'd rather change the people in my life, than to change my life for people.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't shield yourself from pain, never fear pain either.
Face whatever it is that comes your way.
Don't be afraid to stumble and fall, to cry and get hurt.
Dread not those helpless moments,
when you can't even fight your tears back,
and all you can do is stare at something and let time pass.
You can only understand happiness after you've felt pain.
Life is not fair, it never was, and it won't ever be.
All we can do is to live it to the fullest.
I honestly don't need an amazingly handsome man that's super smart and ultra outgoing and is really rich and has almost everything or even EVERYTHING a woman could ask for in a man.

I just need a man that is mature enough to love me, be with me, understand me for who I am and for the short comings I may have even if I try my best to be his everything. I swear in return I'll be the best woman I could be that will make him feel like the prince he is of my world, considering I still believe in chivalry.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some people push people away because they don't want to get hurt. 
Others, push people away because they got hurt ...
Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you.
On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you

you can't save what's already lost, sometimes you just need to let it be,sometimes you just need to...let go !!!
Maybe love isn't for me.. I rather stay single for a long time, instead of putting someone else's heart in jeopardy..

Single, doesn’t mean that you know nothing about love. Sometimes, being solo is wiser than being in a false relationship.
Sometimes, "I'm single" means "I'm drama free" , "less stressed" and "I refuse to settle for less."

Being single doesn't always mean you are available. 
Sometimes you have to put a 'do not disturb' sign on your heart.


All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart
and for us to be together to never be apart.
No one else in the world could even compare,
You’re perfect and so is this love we share.
We have so much more then I ever thought we would,
I love you more then I thought I ever could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I’ll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, future, and past,
by the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you will come to realize,
how perfect you are when seen though my eyes.
being in love....
brings a person the most opposing dilemma of all time
"feels like heaven and hurts like hell"

Guru : Bahasa inggris nya pintu apa ???
Siswa : Door

Guru : Baguss...!! Kalo " Buka-in pintu " ??
Siswa : Open the door..

Guru : Pintarrrr... Kalo " Gak di buka'in pintu " ???
Siswa : Yaaaa Gedorrr Gedoorrrr Bu guruuuu...

Cara Awet Muda, yaitu :
1. Banyak minum air kelapa muda.
2. Minum jamu awet muda.
3. Makan “Daun Muda”.
4. Punya “Istri Muda”.
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.
While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed.
ι ∂ση’т ωαηт α ℓσт σƒ ρєσρℓє ωнσ αяє ωιℓℓιηg тσ ¢яу ωнєη ι ∂ιє,
ι σηℓу ηєє∂ σηє ρєяѕση ωнσ ιѕ ωιℓℓιηg тσ ∂ιє ωнєη ι cяу.
ηєνєя ƒσяgєт тнє ση¢є ωнσ cαяє αвσυт уσυ ♥
Waiting for someone you love is never easy. Especially when the one you're waiting for isn't aware that you're waiting...
The hardest part of being too strong is that nobody might care to ask if you're hurt.
it’s funny how fast life goes by.
how many changes in people, in relationships, in troubles and hardships and achievements there are whizzing through you like the wind.
it’s funny because sometimes you don’t notice it, sometimes you do and then there are times where you can’t do anything about it at all.
I never regret anything i do or the decisions i’ve made in my life; i have my reasons. and when i look back at all my past mistakes, at all the friends i’ve gained (and dropped) along the way, i tell myself that everything happens for a reason. these people, these places, and experiences are a part of you (because in the end, they complete who you are).

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tear is the silent language of pure heart.
When tear comes with reason , you got some problem .
But when tears comes without any reason then you are missing someone.
Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, people who help you when you're in need. People who would never take advantage of you. People who genuinely care. 
They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.

Polisi: Bagimana kronologisnya, sampai kamu menabrak 50 orang begitu?

Jono: Saya mengendarai mobil, kecepatan 100 km/jam. Pas di pertigaan, tiba2 remnya blong, kalo ke kiri ada 2 orang pria, sedang kekanan ada pesta kawinan. Coba kalo Bapak pilih nabrak yang mana..?

Polisi: Tentu mendingan ke kiri, kan korbannya lebih sedikit..!
Jono: persis! Saya juga mikirnya gitu Pak!

Polisi: Trus kenapa orang2 di pesta kawinan yg kena tabrak..?

Jono: Nah itu masalahnya.. saya udah milih nabrak 2 orang pria yang di kiri. Eh, ternyata mereka lari menyeberang ke pesta kawinan. Jadi saya banting stir kekanan ngejar Pak..!

Polisi: #*@/%grrrrrr

Friday, March 16, 2012

The sad truth is that there are some people who will be there for you as long as you have something they need... when you no longer serve a purpose, they are gone.
Not everyone in your life would always be there for you
Not everyone in your life would always be true
Not everyone in life would make you always happy
Not everyone in your life would turn your day sunny
Not everyone in your life would always lend a shoulder
Not everyone in your life would be there when it gets colder

The Summer isn't that glorious if in Winter you never shivered
Not everyone in your life would be a giver !!!
Just accept it as it comes and be glad your paths crossed,
The best lessons in life are hence embossed !!
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
Sometimes someone has to hurt you deep enough to make you realize how better your life is without them in it.
Stop convincing people to be with you.
You don’t need anyone in your life who doesn’t need you!
Three solutions to every problem : Accept it ,change it or leave it .
If you can't accept it, change it. If you can't change it, leave it.
Never chase anyone... A person who truly appreciates you will walk with you and won’t need to be chased.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

We all fight our own battles. Just remember to support the ones that are losing, don't put them down even more.
I admire people who find a way to wake up every day and keep going even when things seem hopeless
Don't ever let anyone break your soul. You have to stand on your own two feet and fight. There are those who would give anything to see you fall. Never give them the satisfaction. Hold your head up high, put a smile on your face and stand your ground.
SOMETIMES being too nice is dangerous & harmful to our heart. You have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt.
“Pain will leave you, when you let go.”

“If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.” ― C. JoyBell C.

Blink away the tears, walk forward. Even if the first step hurts, believe that everything will be okay. because someday it will. be strong. and remember that the end of one hurtful thing in your life is usually an indication that the start of some truly amazing thing to come. let go.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We All Need People In Our Lives Who Take Away The Chill Of This World With The Warmth Of Their Presence.
Whenever you feel down, alone or unable to face a situation that you are in right now, let me tell you, that it’s totally fine. It is okay not to be okay all the time. It is okay to be on the ground, to cry and to hate everything. But it is only okay as long as you get back up again. Take your time to get all of your emotions out, but always keep in mind that the moment you’re in won’t last forever. Just don’t give up. Life isn’t about being strong all the time, but about the ability to become strong again after a defeat or bad experience. It’s about not losing hope in life and first and foremost – in yourself. So, don’t give up. Life is worth to be lived.
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. 
They’re either lonely or they're missing somebody. 
They are in love with someone they probably shouldn’t be in love with. 
They have secrets you wouldn’t believe.
 They wish and they dream and they hope, and they look out the window whenever they’re in the car or on a bus or a train and they watch people on the streets and wonder what they’ve been through. 
 They wonder if there are people out there like them. 
They’re like you, and you could tell them everything and they would understand.
 And right now, they’re sitting here reading these words, and I’m writing this for you so you don’t feel alone anymore.

Source : Lessons Learned In Life