Monday, May 27, 2013

We keep running after the people who least care about us.
Why don't we just stop, turn around and see those who are running behind us ?? :)
Don’t lose YOU in your search for acceptance by others. 
Be aware that you will always appear to be a little less than some people prefer you to be, but that most people are unaware that you are so much more then what they see.
You are good enough just the way you are. 
You have nothing to prove to anyone else. 
Care less about who you are to others and more about who you are to yourself.

♥We never forget our past, we only learn to live with the pain and scars. But those memories are always at the back of our mind, no matter how hard we try♥
Some People Choose to Stay Single..
Simply Because They Are Tired Of Giving Everything and End Up With Nothing.
There comes a point when you have got to stop relying on other people to make you feel okay.
You've got to stop saying, "I need you."
You've got to stop feeling like you can't live without someone, because guess what? You can.
There is no one in this world who knows how to pick you up better than yourself. Sometimes there won't be someone who can fix you when you're breaking. Sometimes you're just alone, and you know what? That's good. Because if you don't know how to fix yourself when you're broken, you won't get anywhere.
It'll seem like the worst thing in the world at first, but I promise you if you don't run to anybody, if you just give yourself a chance, you'd be surprised what you can accomplish.

Dapet tugas ngetik ?? Nyalin tulisan yang ada di buku ??

 Ehmm, ini yang biasa gw lakuin :
1. Scan kertas atau buku yang berisi tulisan yang mau disalin (hari gini ga punya scanner ??)
2. Pake aplikasi OCR buat baca tulisan dari gambar hasil scan tadi, pake Ms OneNote juga bisa.. OmniPage paling bagus (abby fine reader yg terbaik)
3. Copy tulisan yang udah dibaca tadi ke Ms Word
4. Klik "review" trus pilih "spelling and grammar" kemudian cek kalau ada tulisan yang salah..
5. Walla, semuanya selesai dengan mudah.. ^^

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