Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts you, just be strong and act like you’re okay.
Remember : strong walls shake but never collapse
Only keep the people in your life who also want you in theirs : 
ones who accept you for who you are,
love you no matter what 
would risk their lives for you
Only married men gain weight.. Why ??!
- Bachelors go to fridge, see nothing interesting, they go to bed
- Married men went to bed, see nothing interesting, they go to fridge

LOL ^,^
Seorang ayah berkata pada anaknya...
"Nak kalau ujian kamu jelek jangan pangil aku ayah lagi"
Esokan harinya sang ayah bertanya pada anaknya...
"Gimana hasil ujian kamu nak".
Sang anak menjawab...
"hancur Bro" X_X >:O :'( =))